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1,800₹Individuals 20 yrs or above employed/with financial supportÂInternational Client
2,600₹Individuals residing outside IndiaÂ
Affordable Therapy & Counseling Sessions for All!
Payments, Refunds & Cancellation Policy
The Charges mentioned above are of per session, which is of typically 1 hour, however a grace time of 15 minutes shall be provided. If the sessions exceeds beyond that, additional charges shall be applicable, as per the discretion of the Psychologist.
The payment of the 1st session is to completed prior to the appointment, for the session to be confirmed, and conducted. From the 2nd session onwards, payments can be made after the session, within 7 days.
Further Sessions shall be conducted once previous dues are cleared.
The Charges mentioned are subject to updates, which shall be informed of beforehand, and mutually decided timeframe shall be provided to adjust to the same.
In case the session is cancelled 24 hours prior to the scheduled session, or rescheduled, no charges for the session shall be applicable.
If the reschedule/cancellation of the session is informed 6-24 hours of the scheduled appointment, 50% of the charges shall be Applicable.
In case of reschedule/cancellation of the session is informed less that 6 hours prior to the session, 100% of the session charge shall be applicable.
** In certain situations, exceptions may be made, on the discretion of the Psychologist.